Wednesday, May 3, 2023

2023 Road Trip: The Ringling Circus Museum (5/3/2023)

Wednesday, May 3, 2023 (continued)
The Ringling Circus Museum is located in two buildings. First we entered the Tibbals Learning Center (2006).
Expansive mural of The Greatest Show on Earth
(1990, by William Woodward)
A P T Barnum Circus Poster (1881) (KSS)
The highlight of the Tibbals Learning Center is the Howard Bros Circus Model (1956-1974), the largest miniature circus in the world, constructed by Howard Tibbals. Although it recreates the Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus combined shows from 1919-1938, Tibbals was not given permission to use the name, thus the Howard Bros moniker. The circus model is also a Roadside America attraction.
The circus model is a 3/4-inch-to-the-foot scale replica
The townsfolk come out to watch the
unloading of the circus train
Horse-drawn circus wagon (KSS)
Circus Cook Tent
Dining Tent for Circus Performers
Barber Tent and Gamblers
Goliath the Monster Elephant Seal
The Midway with the Sideshows Tent
Menagerie Tent
Men's Restroom
Center Ring in the Big Top
Youngsters trying to get a peek at the circus
Outside the Big Top
Tent for the Work Horses
The Tibbals Learning Center West Wing:
Stilt Walker costume (1994) with vertical
stripes to make him appear taller
Two Jesters Steam Calliope (1919-1920) was used by
the Sells-Floto and Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus
Elephant Blanket and Puss-in-Boots costume
Kent dares to put his hand in the tiger's mouth
Tamiko balances on horseback (KSS)
The Historic Circus Museum (1948):
The Ringling Brothers: Albert, Otto, John, Alfred, and Charles;
there were also Augustus and Henry, and sister Ida
The Wisconsin Railroad Car (1905, by Pullman Company)
was the private car of John and Mable Ringling
The Wisconsin Bedroom
The Wisconsin Bathroom
The Wisconsin Parlor
Bruno Zacchini's Super Repeating Cannon (c 1924)
propelled the Human Cannonball
Next: The Ringling Museum of Art.

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