Wednesday, May 3, 2023

2023 Road Trip: The Ringling Kotler-Coville Glass Pavilion (5/3/2023)

Wednesday, May 3, 2023 (continued)
The Kotler-Coville Glass Pavilion is open and free to the public, to showcase The Ringling’s collection of American and European studio glass.
Kotler-Coville Glass Pavilion
(2018, by Lewis + Whitlock)
Kotler-Coville Glass Pavilion interior (KSS)
Yellow Amulet Basket (2012,
by Laura Donefer; whose works are in the
yellow color of the Star of David the Nazi
regime forced the Jewish people to wear)
Study Box (2002, by Dante Marioni)
Sideboard with Blue China (2013, by Beth Lipman)
Rocking Chair (1993, by Kéké Cribbs)
features a medicine woman (KSS)
Masai (2002, by Lino Tagliapietra) (KSS)
Vase (c 1998, by Richard Marquis) (KSS)
Sculpture #2550 (1982, by Dale Chihuly)
from the Macchia Series (KSS)
Unfortunately, the Historic Asolo Theater was closed today.
Next: The Ringling Circus Museum.

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