Wednesday, May 3, 2023

2023 Road Trip: The Ringling Bayfront Gardens (5/3/2023)

Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Our Tyler Arboretum membership allows us to visit "The Ringling" for free.
Now everyone enters The Ringling through the Ca d'Zan gateway
The property of John and Mable Ringling includes 66 acres.
Spanish moss and ferns (KSS)
Dwarf Garden
Phalacrocorax auritus/Double-crested Cormorant
and Ardea alba/Great Egret at the Turtle Pond (KSS)
Ficus sp/Banyan trees in the Bolger Playspace (KSS)
The Ringling grounds contain a large collection of banyan trees including Ficus benghalensis/Strangler Fig, Ficus benjamina/Weeping Fig, and Ficus altissima/Council Tree.
Mable's Rose Garden (1913, restored)
Rose Garden arbor
Rose Garden
More banyan trees
Secret Garden
The final resting place for John and Mable Ringling,
and John's sister Ida Ringling, with a statue of Flora
(19C, by André François Joseph Truphème)
Reflecting Pool
Detail of the tile deck of the Reflecting Pool
Ca d'Zan/House of John (1926, by Owen Burns in
Mediterranean Revival style) was
the winter home of John & Mable Ringling
Ca d'Zan tower
Ca d'Zan detail
A DeSantis-approved statue (i.e., private parts removed):
A Boy Bailing a Boat (19C, by Gesualdo Gatti)

Ca d'Zan terrace
Campiello/little square?
Promenade with Roystonea regia/Royal Palms
and Colossus (1978 by Alfredo Halegua)
Brachychiton rupestris/Queensland Bottle Tree
on the Millennium Tree Trail
Ellis Tea House (2017, by Glenn Darling)
Ellis Tea House interior
Ringling Museum of Art Courtyard
Kent with a gigantic Platycerium sp/
Staghorn Fern
Museum of Art Courtyard
A reproduction statue of David
Next: The Ringling Kotler-Coville Glass Pavilion.

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