Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Viking Homelands: St Petersburg Tour I (9/5/2018)

Wednesday, September 5, 2018 (continued)
After lunch, we had our included shore excursion, St Petersburg Panoramic Tour. It was a bit odd to take this orientation tour as our last activity in the city.
There are huge apartment blocks near the port,
perhaps these are from the 1970s
Perhaps apartment blocks from the 1980s
Храм Успе́ния Пресвято́й Богоро́дицы/
Church of the Assumption of Mary (1895)
was closed by the Soviets, and in 1956 was
made into an ice rink; in 1991 it was returned
to the Russian Orthodox Church
Памятник Ломоносову/Monument (1986, by Valentin
Sveshnikov and Boris Petrov) to Mikhail Lomonosov,
an 18C polymath who is considered
to be the "Father of Russian Science"
A photo stop at Стрелка Васильевского острова/Spit of Vasilievsky Island.
View of the Зимний дворец/Winter Palace south across the Neva River
Neva River angler (KSS)
Петропавловская крепость/Peter & Paul Fortress (1706-1740, by
Domenico Trezzini as the founding of St Petersburg by
Peter the Great), north across the Neva River (KSS)
Posing in front of the Hermitage Museum complex (KSS)
Ростральная колонна/Rostral Column
(1811, by Jean-Francois Thomas de Thomon),
a victory column topped by a gas torch (KSS)
Statue representing the Neva River
An official souvenir vendor
An unofficial souvenir vendor
Mobile toilet (KSS)
Back on the motor coach.
Hydrofoil headed to Peterhof (KSS)
Passing behind Peter & Paul Fortress with the spire of
Петропавловский собор/Sts Peter & Paul Cathedral (KSS)
Военно-исторический музей/Military History Museum
(1849-1860, by Pyotr Tamansky)
Obelisk (1975) at the place of executions of the Decembrists in 1826
The Decembrists were five military officers who led their troops to Senate Square and refused to swear allegiance to the new tsar, Nicholas I, who took the lead when his older brother, Constantine, renounced the position. The former tsar, Alexander I, and Constantine were seen to be sympathetic to the plight of the serfs and perhaps would have agreed to a constitution like the one in the United States of America, something the officers advocated.
Sts Peter & Paul Cathedral (1712-1733, by
Domenico Trezzini) with a 123 m/404' gilded spire
The story is that the spire was completed first in order to test the foundation, and from this spire Peter the Great was able to oversee the construction of both the cathedral and the fortress. The cathedral houses the remains of most of the Russian tsars and their wives.
View east from Troitskiy Bridge (1897-1903, by Paul Bodin)
Троицкий Мост/Troitskiy/Trinity Bridge obelisk
Statue (1801, by Andrey Voronikhin and
Mikhail Kozlovskiy)  of Alexander Suvorovu,
Russian military commander who helped
drive the French out of Italy in 1799
Lampposts on 1-Y Sadovyy Most/Bridge
View of Михайловский замок/Mikhailovsky/Saint Michael's Palace
(1797-1801, by Vincenzo Brenna and Vasili Bazhenov), which was
surrounded by canals by Tsar Paul I, but it did not protect
him from being assassinated in 1801
A photo stop at the Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood.
Музей камня/Museum of Art Stone in a former chapel
(1907-1908, by Alfred Parland)
Церковь Спас на Крови/Church of Our Savior on
Spilled Blood (1883, by Alfred Parland in Russian
Revival style), was a memorial church to Alexander II
who was assassinated on this spot in 1881
Very elegant face-in-hole board for a photo op
Portrait artist at work; notice how the
dad gets his daughter to sit still
2018 FIFA Fan Fest venue, a place where fans could watch
the soccer matches live on a big screen
A coffee-mobile (KSS)
View south from Panteleymonovskiy Most/Bridge
up the Fontanka River (KSS)
View north from Panteleymonovskiy Most/Bridge down the Fontanka River
Большой Санкт-Петербургский государственный цирк/
The Great St Petersburg State Circus (1877, by Vasily Kenel
for the Ciniselli Circus) was the first brick-built circus in
Russia, and the first without interior supporting pillars (KSS) 
Аничков мост/Anichkov Bridge (1841-1842) with one of four
Horse Tamers (1849-1850, by Pyotr Klodt) (KSS)
Another of the Horse Tamers sculptures
Next: St Petersburg Tour II.

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