Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Linvilla Orchards (9/10/2019)

Tuesday, September 10, 2019 (continued)
Because of the Linvill Trail in Middletown, PA, we discovered Linvilla Orchards, a "happening place." Not only can you pick your own seasonal fruits and vegetables, but there are festivals in the Fall, and at Christmas and Easter. There is a large farm market and an even bigger garden center. During festivals, a grill serves food, but on weekends there is a beer garden. (Food is also available in the market, which has a very big bakery). Plus hayrides, fishing, a playground, and probably more.
Farm Market
Inside the market with the bakery in the back
To the left of the market is the Ship Bottom Brewery Beer Garden
To the right is the Garden Center
Barrels and wheels for garden décor
Getting ready for the Fall events
Fairy tale characters and a humongous doll
The spookier section
Linvill house
In 1914, Arthur Linvill purchased this dairy farm, but then began planting apple and peach trees. His children and grandchildren continue the enterprise that no longer has the dairy component.
The Legacy Oak Tree is a sculpture that
represents the Linvill family, and depicts all the crops
and wildlife to be found on the property

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