Saturday, August 22, 2020

Swarthmore, PA Crum Creek Meadow and Crum Woods (8/22/2020)

Saturday, August 22, 2020
Today we combined two hikes: Crum Creek Meadow and Crum Ridge & Campus Long. These hikes used markers and waypoints from trails established by Swarthmore College Scott Arboretum, many named for acclaimed botanists and horticulturists. However, the Scott Arboretum brochure and map of Crum Woods Trails does not mention markers and waypoints. This was a 10,000 step hike, mostly because we did it in a generally uphill direction!
Oxbow Cabin (2014, by Johnathan Malloy) is
located near the Crum Meadow entrance at
the end of Field House Lane (KSS)
An old obstacle on Valley Walk
Valley Walk - just missed being an obstacle
Crum Creek; in the 18C the Swedes named it Crumkill/Crooked Creek
A new obstacle on the trail following the creek north
A six-inch fish in Crum Creek
View of the Holly Collection, with over 350 of the 400 species,
which is a designated National Holly Arboretum
by the Holly Society of America
Placid Crum Creek
Crum Creek floodplain, with old leaves caught in the
protective fencing around newly planted trees
Some of the gneiss/a tough metamorphic rock that
causes the creek to keep changing directions
Hmm, here the path is composed of fine sand
Crumhenge was originally laid out (1980s) in one circle around a firepit; it was deconstructed in
2015 while SEPTA rebuilt the railroad trestle over Crum Creek, and in 2017 the stones were
this time all laid out horizontally in two circles around the firepit
The firepit is actually a "bonfire" pit!
Rodger's Grove Memorial (2008); the grove is a riparian forest buffer
that replaced the invasive Polygonum cuspidatum/knotweed
Upright stones mark the way to Crumhenge on Valley Walk
View of Crumhenge from Bartram Path
Crum Creek bathers
There are several ongoing research sites in Crum Woods
Crum Woods Fungi
Cob Hut (2018, by Ahmet Kayagil) is located on Painter Path
below the Danawell Hall Complex
Cob Hut interior (KSS)
Bartram Path Rhododendrons
Hollow bark at the top of what might be a birch tree
Alligator Rock can be seen from Bartram Path
One end of Bartram Path is near
the Swarthmore College water tower
Weather station at the Martin Hall greenhouse
Swarthmore College Scott Building/Map House
Lycoris aurea/Golden Spider Lily buds
Danawell Hall and Hallowell Hall; there is a mirror building
to the left of Danawell Hall - Dana Hall (2014), all resident halls

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