Wednesday, March 30, 2022

British Isles Explorer: Holyhead, Wales (3/30/2022)

Wednesday, March 30, 2022
View from our stateroom
Holyhead Breakwater Lighthouse (1873,
by John Hawkshaw) was automated in 1961
We had free time in the morning, so took a tender into Holyhead, Wales.
Holyhead Maritime Museum (est 1984) in the
oldest lifeboat station (c 1858) in Wales
Newry Street
Sign in English and Welsh
Holyhead Town Hall (1875, by John Thomas
in Gothic Revival style)
Remains of a Roman wall, part of a three-walled fort (the
fourth side met the sea) called Caer Gybi (c 1C CE)
The Roman fort was given to the future St Cybi who
founded a monastery on the site
Below the ramparts, a wall and gate were built at the street
Now within the fort stands the Church of St Cybi
(est 540 CE, built 13C with additions) (KSS)
Church of St Cybi cross and fish weathervane
Roman fort ramparts, and at the far end of the grass
was the residence of sea captain John Macgregor Skinner,
who was in the Royal Navy during the American Revolution
where he lost an arm; he later lost an eye while serving in
the Caribbean; however, he was able to bring his ship into
Holyhead in 1807 during a severe gale
Cemetery chapel is the remains of a 14C church,
which is reputed to have been built over the
monastic cell of St Cybi; in 1765 the building
was used as the first school in Holyhead  (KSS)
Holyhead Market Cross
We noticed pairs of blinking yellow globes on each side
of a crosswalk throughout the United Kingdom
On the right is the Skinner's Monument (1834), an
obelisk commemorating Captain John MacGregor Skinner RN,
commander of Holyhead mail packet, who drowned in storm 1832
Captain Skinner was actually born in the American colonies (New Jersey), but Holyhead was his home where he was a beloved benefactor of the poor.
The Celtic Gateway pedestrian bridge (2006) connects
the town to the railway station and ferry terminal
The town gateway to the Celtic Gateway
Venetian glass mosaic (by Gary Drostle) of St Cybi
Gleeson's Public House shows the
red dragon symbol of Wales
Gleesons pandemic sign
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals/RSPCA vintage collection box
We were able to purchase one postcard and 10 UK stamps for postcards to the United States.
Most auto license plates in the United Kingdom are yellow;
however, this plate also has the symbol for Wales
There seem to be semi-tropical plants in Holyhead
Terrace houses on Newry Street
Since I missed the opportunity to
photograph many Dublin doors, I took
pictures of Holyhead doors
This door seems a bit rustic
Blue is a popular color
The fog has lifted enough to see the Viking Venus
anchored outside the Holyhead Harbour
Holyhead is the busiest Irish-UK ferry port and
is home to the largest seagoing ferry in the world,
MV Ulysses of the Irish Ferries
We are waiting our turn to transfer from the tender to the ship
Next: Anglesey Isalnd, Wales.

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