Sunday, April 14, 2024

Haverford Reserve Backwoods Trail (4/14/2024)

Sunday, April 14, 2024
Another day at Haverford Reserve for a different set of trails
Erythronium americanum/Yellow Trout Lily
Podophyllum peltatum/Mayapple
Tree planting along the Lenape Trail
Bridge over North Brook
Trails go under I-476 at Darby Creek
Now on the Backwoods Trail, with an uprooted tree
Argh... the photo does not show
all the shing mica
Someone placed ramps to give access over a fallen tree
Oops... good thing we did not take the Railroad Trail
above, as the bridge has totally collapsed
Perhaps a vernal pond
Only Sloane was willing to go ahead through the wet mud,
but we turned back on the dead-end Grace Trail
The Backwoods Trail is in danger of being
overgrown by the invasive Rosa multiflora
Parts of the trail parallel I-476
Some fresh Daedalea quercina/Maze Bracket
Climbing up to the Railroad Trail at the collapsed bridge
Looking back over the collapsed bridge section
The woods are waterlogged on the north side 
Surrounded by water at the east of of Railroad Trail

Railroad bridge abutments crossing Darby Creek;
we were unable to access the Blue Route Trail from
the end of the Railroad Trail, so we backtracked
Viola epipsila/Dwarf Marsh Violet;
there were also purple and yellow wild violets
Picked up the Blue Route Trail at the beginning of the
Backwoods Trail; Darby Creek
Cercis canadensis/Eastern Redbud Tree
Redbud buds and blossoms

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