Friday, April 26, 2024

Katonah Museum of Art (4/26/2024)

Friday, April 26, 2024
On our way to visit family in Rhode Island, we stopped at the Katonah Museum of Art (founded 1954), in Katonah, NY.
Katonah Museum of Art (1990, by Edward Larrabee Barnes)
Katonah Museum of Art
Stellar Reverberations kinetic sculpture (2024, by Damien Davis)
Stellar Reverberations: African Masks
in Outer Space
(2024, by Damien Davis)
Exhibition: There is A Body: Legacy of the Ancestral Arts in the 21st Century:
Still (2020, by Sanford Biggers)
BAM (for Philanda) (2017, by Sanford Biggers)
Apparently when the bronze was cooling,
it was shot with BBs
Mask 99/2 (2021 by David O Alekhuogie)
Afropunk Odalisque (2018, by Lyle Ashton Harris)
The Soothsayer (2019-2023, by Sanford Biggers)
The Soothsayer, another view
Culling Figure (2021, by
Matthew Angelo Harrison)
Culling Figure, another view
Sculpture Garden
Caballero (by Manolo Valdés)
Butterflies (by Manolo Valdés)
Jungle Fool (based on 2015 sketch by
Nikolai Haas, by the Haas Brothers);
the eyes are lighted at night

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