Sunday, June 23, 2024

2024 African Safari Plus: Camp Kalahari Bushwalk (6/23/2024)

Sunday, June 23, 2024
Our afternoon activity was a Bushwalk with the
Zu/’hoasi bushmen, a large group with men, and
 women with their babies, in traditional dress but
wearing blankets, perhaps partially for modesty (for
Euro-American sensitivity?) as well as winter wear
One safari participant had brought clothing, school
supplies, and chocolate (?!), and the bushmen were grateful
Walking through the bush
These bushmen spoke a language with
clicks, and one spoke enough English
to translate the information about how
they use this particular plant
There was plenty of banter and laughter
Carrying the babies/toddlers
Mimicking smoking
The women wore many sets of beaded
necklaces, as a walking souvenir shop
The man in the center translates the uses
of elephant poop held by the younger man
Community Nest is a type of spider web,
 and is found on the west side of trees
There is a plant bulb that the bushmen keep in the ground,
and access to get water, by scraping the flesh ...
... and squeezing water from the shavings
Video of using scrapings to wash hands
Squeezing water into his mouth
Video of using scrapings to drink water
The bulb self-heals over the shaved part so that
it can be placed back in the ground
Cultural exchange when the bushmen tried
on Meta sunglasses with sound and video
The whole group of bushmen
Demonstrating how to start a fire
Swiveling the end of a stick on a board
to create friction and a spark
Video of rotating stick to start fire
Camp Kalahari Dinner of a lamb chop and roasted vegetables
Dessert of a chocolate tart
Next: Camp Kalahari Game Drives.

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