Wednesday, June 19, 2024

2024 African Safari Plus: Chobe Game Drives (6/19/2024)

Wednesday, June 19, 2024
The morning game drive departed at 6:00
Chobe Game Lodge was located in Chobe National Park, so we did not have to drive to the park. In the national park, we were limited to the hours between dawn and dusk (6:00-18:30) and had to stay on the roads.
We did not see any snakes, just snake tracks
Looking down at the Chobe River
Baboons doing morning grooming (KSS)
Ubiquitous Numida meleagris/Helmeted Guineafowl
The largest trees are Trichilia emetica/Natal Mahogany
Vanellus armatus/Blacksmith Lapwing
Ardeotis kori/Kori Bustard is the largest flying bird in Africa
We would also see Egyptian geese, red-billed spurfowl, Cape turtle doves, double-banded sandgrouse, a Marabou stork, cattle egrets, glossy ibis, white-backed vultures, fish eagle, giant kingfisher, fork-tailed drongos, and yellow-billed oxpeckers.
A huge herd of Syncerus caffer/Cape Buffalo
crossed the Chobe River from Namibia (KSS)
Video of Cape Buffalos crossing river
Cape Buffalo calf (KSS)
Cape Buffalo
Giraffa giraffa/Southern Giraffe (KSS)
Baboon in the Ficus sycomorus/Sycamore Fig Tree
Now the afternoon game drive:
Milicia excelsa/African Teak Tree
Tragelaphus strepsiceros/Greater Kudu
Female Panthera leo/Lion coming toward us
Chlorocebus pygerythrus/Vervet Monkey taking
advantage of the driver taking a restroom break
Video of Vervet monkeys playing
This time the male Panthera leo/Lion heads toward us
Video of male lion heading toward us
Mother lion and cubs
Video of lion cubs playing
Tree-climbing lion cubs
We would also see elephants, jackals, a sable antelope, and warthogs.
Tonight we had dinner at the boma/gathering place ...
... with entertainment by a marimba band (KSS)
Next: Flight to the Okavango Delta.

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