Friday, September 20, 2024

Penn State Brandywine (9/20/2024)

Friday, September 20, 2024
Today a short walk around the campus of PennState Brandywine.
Visitor parking was across from the Main Building (1970)
PennState Brandywine street lamp banner
Unattributed sculpture (KSS)
Another unattributed sculpture (KSS)
Apparently in 2018 it was decided the buildings could not
be economically modernized, so instead they used
landscaping to make the campus more attractive
A stone bridge over what might be a rain garden
Nittany Lion Shrine is a replica of the original
1942 shrine on the main campus of Penn State;
that lion was sculpted by Heinz Warneke (KSS)
Based on the eastern mountain lion and named
for Mount Nittany, this one is smelling the flowers
Sandstone fountain (KSS)
Seating outside the Campus Garden (2014)
Asparagus officinalis/Asparagus seeds
that are found only on the female plants
Black Diamond Watermelons?
Gomphrena globosa/Globe Amaranth
Several varieties of green peppers; we
participated in the Master Gardeners and
Penn State Extension Pepper Trials
survey: judging Jupiter,Bull Nose,
and California Wonder Bell Peppers
Helianthus Suncredible® 'Yellow' Sunflowers
Lablab purpureus/Hyacinth Bean
Lonicera sempervirens/Trumpet Honeysuckle 
Tithonia diversifolia/Mexican Sunflower (KSS)
Adirondak chairs in Penn State colors
More fixed seating, this time with metal umbrellas
"Ground Under Repair"
Platanus occidentalis/American Sycamore
Polistes sp/Paper Wasp on Ampelopsis brevipedunculata/
Porcelain-berry, an invasive vine