Friday, February 14, 2025

Cici and Hyatt Brown Museum of Art (2/14/2025)

Friday, February 14, 2025 (continued)
Part of the Museum of Arts & Sciences/MOAS, but in a separate building is the Cici and Hyatt Brown Museum of Art, dedicated to Florida art.
Evening on the Oklawaha (c 1880,
by Milton H Lowell)
Gaunt Tamarac (Homeless) (1935, by Eugene Francis Savage)
references the Seminole indigenous people and their struggles
Dance of the Whooping Cranes (1940,
by Newell Connors (N C) Wyeth) was
chosen to illustrate an edition of The
by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Special Exhibition: Audubon's Birds of Florida:
Portrait of John James Audubon
(c 1875, by N B Wilcox)
Aphelocoma coerulescens/Florida Scrub-jays.
the only native species in the state
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos/American
White Pelican (1831)
Calidris alba/Sanderlings; this print shows how
Audubon drew all the birds close to life-size
Phoenicopterus ruber/American Flamingo
Original copperplate for Brown Creeper
and California Nuthatch
(c 1838)
Brown Creeper and California Nuthatch, is
printed in reverse and hand-colored by Audubon
Close-up of Brown Creeper
and California Nuthatch
Interior of the Cici and Hyatt Brown Museum of Art
(2012, by RLF Architects)

Daytona Beach Museum of Arts & Sciences (2/14/2025)

Friday, February 14, 2025
The Museum of Arts & Science/MOAS is located in Daytona Beach, FL.
Mock-up of the Exploration Extra-Vehicular
Mobility Unit/xEMU, seen in the lobby
of the Lohman Family Planetarium
Root Family Museum:
Copy of the historical marker citing the birthplace of
the Coca-Cola bottle at the Root Glass Company
The Root family has the largest collection of Coca-Cola
memorabilia in the world
The cocao tree pod was the inspiration
for the 1915 Coca-Cola bottle
Bottles of different bottling companies,
such as Cleveland and Chicago
1948 Lincoln Continental Mark 1 was used by Chapman and
Susan Root on their honeymoon traveling along Route 66
1925 Ford Model TT Coca-Cola Route Truck
Polarstil 3DL distilled water machine (1915)
and carbonating machine (1912)
Jacobs 160 "Mailbox" Coca-Cola vending
machine (c 1948), Glascock "Junior"
Coca-Cola cooler (1938), and Vendo V-83
Coca-Cola vending machine (c 1950)
The Root family also collected teddy bears
Medium-size bears
The smallest bears are displayed in a large dollhouse
Part of the quilt collection
One of two train cars owned by the Root family;
the Dell Rapids Milwaukee Hiawatha sky-top lounge car
(1948) was purchased by the family in 1970 and restored
Ivory-inlaid Crossbow (late 17C, German)
Prehistory of Florida:
Diorama with the giant ground sloth rom 130,000 years ago
Tamiko with the giant ground sloth, the most
complete such skeleton in the world that was
discovered just three miles south of MOAS
African Art:
Helmet Mask (Igbo of Nigeria)
Ashante gold ritual ornaments cast by the
lost wax process since as early as 8C
Cuban Foundation Museum:
The Cup of Coffee (c 1940, by Lorenzo Romero Arciaga)
Bust (20C, by Juan José Sicre) of the
poet José Julian Martí
Visions of Florida: The Photographic Art of Clyde Butcher:
Loxahatchee River #1 (1991)
Seven Cabbage Cut (1991)
Fizzing with Nostalgia: Coca-Cola Toys:
Biplane made from Coca-Cola cans
Kenneth Worcester Dow and Mary Mohan Dow Gallery of American Art:
Classical Teapot with Melon Reeded Body (c 1800,
by John Ewan & Company, Charleston, SC)
Portrait of George Washington (c 1870,
attributed to William Matthew Prior using
verre églomisé/reverse painting on glass
Court Cupboard (17C, by
Thomas Dennis of Ipswich, MA)
Anderson C Bouchelle Study Center and Gallery for International Decorative Arts:
Portsigar/Cigar Box (c 1900, by Khliebnikov, Moscow, Russia)
Pair of Uranium Glass Mantle Jars
(c 1840, from England)
Fruit Bowl (c 1905, by T G Hawkes & Company, Corning, NY)
Murat Candelabra (early 19C, from France)
and in background a Tiffany-style favrile
glass lamp (early 20C, from United States)
Sauceboat in the form of a paper nautilus and with
a plate in the form of a sunray (sunrise?) tellin
(c 1820, by Wedgwood Pottery Company, England
Tide Pool: Exploring Coastal Communities:
Nautilus shell
Abundance (2017, by Robin Sathoff)

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Mandarin Museum (2/12/2025)

Wednesday, February 12, 2025 (continued)
The Mandarin Museum and Historical Society is located in the Walter Jones Historical Park in Mandarin, FL.
Mandarin Museum (2004)
Harriet's Veranda exhibit highlights the
contributions of Harriet Beecher Stowe,
author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, who spent
summers in Mandarin 1867-1884
The book Palmetto Leaves (1872) is a
compilation of her stories about Mandarin
that were published in periodicals
A display of the window (1916) commissioned
from Louis Comfort Tiffany dedicated to
Harriet and Calvin Stowe at the Church of
our Saviour in Mandarin, which was
destroyed by 1964 Hurricane Dora
Harriet Beecher Stowe helped found and raise funds for the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour; she operated an orange grove and shipped her produce to northern markets; and in 1869 she worked with the Freedmen’s Bureau to establish a school for Black children in the community, providing the land and hiring the first teacher.
Model (2023) of the life-size statue group,
Harriet Beecher Stowe in Mandarin 
Evolution in Clay: Vina Schemer:
Butter dishes
Scarabs (1986); experimenting with glazes
The Maple Leaf Shipwreck:
A replica of the mine used by the Confederates to sink the
Union Army steamboat Maple Leaf in the St Johns River;
four freed African-American crew died in the explosion
Model (1999-2003, by Douglas Carlton) of the Maple Leaf
The bow of the Maple Leaf that was recovered in the 1980s
Artifacts from the Maple Leaf, including fragments of the
November 18, 1863 issue of the New York Times
More artifacts related to military issue
Harriet Beecher Stowe in Mandarin
(2024, by Brenda Councill)
Tamiko sits with her supposed ancestor (KSS)
St Joseph’s Mission Schoolhouse for African-American
Children (1898); among those few committed to teaching
Black children in post-war Florida were the Sisters of
St Joseph, members of a Roman Catholic
religious order from Le Puy, France
Harriet's Garden
Walter Jones Historical Park:
Losco Winery (1892) made wine from scuppernong grapes
A boardwalk overlooks the St Johns River (KSS)
Farmhouse (c 1875) was built by Major William Webb,
a Union soldier who relocated here to run an orange grove
Kitchen garden
The original kitchen was separate rom the farmhouse,
which eventually belonged to Walter Jones and his family
This building may have been for servants' quarters or storage
Chicken house and run
Perhaps part of the Wheeler Sawmill from the 1950s
Webb barn (1876
Artistic view (!) of the 1876 barn