Saturday, November 18, 2023

Smedley Park Trails (11/18/2023)

Saturday, November 18, 2023
We took advantage of sunny autumn weather to hike at Smedley Park in Springfield, PA, first on the Green Trail, then a portion of the Orange Trail, coming back on a portion of the Yellow Trail/Springfield Trail.
Pedestrian bridge at the far parking lot in Smedley Park
Green Trail marker
The Green Trail went under Route I-476
According to the fallen leaves,
these seemed to be many maple trees
Fallen leaves have formed "terraces" in the creek
Crum Creek appears very placid with
a blanket of fallen leaves (KSS)
Um, the markings are too smooth to
be the work of a beaver
Twiney vines
A small pond was on the other side of a fence
Fallen log has been cut for the trail
Some leftover autumn color
Crum Creek reflection as seen from the pedestrian bridge
Now the Orange Trail goes under Rute I-476
A different way to cross a fallen log
Coming back on the Yellow Trail, we tried to help this fellow 
find his wallet that tumbled down the hill in all these leaves
Armillarea mellea/Honey Mushrooms once grew on this tree,
leaving their long black root like structures called
rhizomorphs that are exposed when the bark rots away
From the other side, we saw fallen logs, so took the high
road, only to find we could have made it through (on left)
Now we have hiked both sides of this section of Crum Creek
Sloan is going off the beaten path
Not a trail blaze!
Brynne with Sloane

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