Sunday, July 7, 2024

2024 African Safari Plus: Local Tanzania (7/6/2024)

Saturday, July 6, 2024
It is time to head home, starting with a 3.5-hour drive to travel 211 km/131 miles from Ngorongoro O'ldeani Mountain Lodge to Kilimanjaro International Airport
Agave americana/Century Plants are
considered invasive in Africa; it is
believed that the heavy hearts of agave
plants were used as ballast in Spanish
and Portuguese sailing ships
Gas station; note the man under the green truck
Amazon lockers? Not! (KSS)
Billboard for Lake Manyara National Park (KSS)
Large plastic totes for cargo delivery
AIM Mall (KSS)
Motorcycle taxi and grilled corn stand
Goats; woman with bundle on top of her head (KSS)
Traffic in the city of Arusha
The motorcycle has a wide load
Carts full of shoes
A boulevard (with median strip)
Fruit stand
Naura Springs Hotel (2015, now closed) (KSS)
Motorcycle taxi stand
Pan African Postal Union/PAPU Tower (2023) (KSS)
Variety of buses (KSS)
Banana plantation
Box lunch from the lodge
We had a 5.5-hour flight from Kilimanjaro in Tanzania
to Doha, Qatar, arriving about midnight

Sunday, July 7, 2024
After an eight-hour layover in Doha, we boarded an American Airlines flight to Philadelphia, spending 14.5 hours in an airplane. Arrived safe and sound, and extremely happy about this trip.

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