Monday, January 13, 2025

Earth and Mineral Sciences Museum and Art Gallery (1/13/2025)

Monday, January 13, 2025
We timed this trip to take advantage of a free birthday lunch
at Shady Maple Smorgasbord (Lancaster County, PA)
Nittany Lion Shrine at Pennsylvania State University
We visited the Penn State Earth and Mineral Sciences Museum and Art Gallery.
Marble, in the form of a bust (1906,
by William Cooper) of James Dwight Dana,
mineralogist, zoologist, geologist, explorer,
whose Manual of Minerology became
the standard college textbook, which has
been continuously revised and updated
First there were canaries to test for
the presence of carbon monoxide in mines,
then this carbon monoxide detector
(1920s, by Mine Safety Appliances); note
the glass vial attached to the actual tester
The glass vials contained holomite, a compound that
turns blue when exposed to carbon monoxide;
it is also highly corrosive and damaged the case
The many colors of fluorite, caused by impurities in the 
otherwise, transparent and colorless mineral
Penn State colors are Blue & White, thus a collection
of blue and white minerals: top row: sodalite, aragonite and
gypsum, and bottom corners: opal and chrysocolla
There was an extensive display on
sustainability, including how to reduce
your fashion carbon footprint
Which would you choose? A reusable
albeit plastic water bottle or 
daily disposable water bottles?
Yes, there was an art galley, the Steidle Collection of
Industrial Art including Sand and Gravel Works
(1936, by Sylvio Carl Regutti)
Tree Fern Fossil
Owens Dust Collector measures the number of particulates
in airborne dust, and is used to measure air quality
Miner's soft cap with a Gardner & Richards "Little Gem"
teapot lamp. which could not have produced much light
Part of an LGBTQ+ display, the minerals of the
Pride Flag (before 2017): corundum, quartz, sulfur,
dioptase, azurite, and amethyst
Fluorescent minerals under shortwave ultraviolet light
A dense meteorite requires a lot of slag to balance its weight
Vase made with a three-dimensional printer

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