Monday, December 23, 2019
The Brandywine Zoo in Wilmington, DE has free admission in December through February, "due to limited visibility of some of our animals in the winter."
Located alongside the Brandywine Creek, the zoo is easy to reach from I-95. Their tagline is: "Go a little wild!" Needless to say, it is a very little zoo!
Brandywine Zoo (built 1904-1905, with many changes) entrance |
Brandywine Zoo terrace that may have originally overlooked the bear pits |
Vultur gryphus/Andean Condor |
Other birds we saw included
Grus canadensis/Sandhilll Crane,
Athene cunicularia hypugaea/Burrowing Owl,
Nycticorax nycticorax/Black-crowned Night Heron,
Corvus corax/Common Raven, and
Haliaeetus leucocephalus/Bald Eagle.
Erethizon dorsatum/North American Porcupine |
Other mammals we saw included
Ailurus fulgens fulgens/Red Panda,
Lynx rufus floridanus/Florida Bobcat,
Vulpes velox/Swift Fox,
Leptailurus serval/Serval,
Capra aegagrus hircus/African Pygmy Goats, and
Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris/Capybara.
There was a Monkey House, and The Monkey House |
We did not see the Marmosets or Tamarins, but did see
Morelia viridis/Green Tree Python,
Corucia zebrata/Prehensile-tailed Skink, and
Rhacodactylus chahoua/Mossy Prehensile-tailed Gecko.
Now we can add another zoo to our list!
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