Sunday, December 22, 2019
We are excited to have Brynne with us for a few days, plus Gus and Randy!
We started at the Hunting Hill Mansion, which is a 1914-1915 expansion
of a 1789 stone farmhouse, in English Tudor style with 38 rooms |
Likely the springhouse for Hunting Hill Mansion |
We took a path to the bridge leading to Sycamore Mills Road, and crossed it to begin on the White Trail.
We immediately climbed a large hill (looking back to the road) |
Then back down the hill to Sycamore Mills Road again,
going through a culvert |
An immediate left and this time went over a culvert |
Climbed another hill, with the path
squeezing between two trees |
Heading for a canopy of brush |
Frozen puddles on the trail |
Crossed the Hidden Valley Horse Farm Road |
Long tree shadows in the early afternoon |
Hiked alongside Ridley Creek with patches of frozen snow |
Recent high winds must have knocked down these two beech trees |
A boardwalk was needed for this muddy area |
The White Trail was joined by the Blue Trail as we crossed Big Run |
When we next reached Sycamore Mills Road, we headed back on the Multi-Use Trail.
A frozen vernal pool, which in the springtime is a
breeding ground for frogs, toads, and salamanders |
Concrete form bridge balustrade? |
We followed the Yellow Trail up from
Sycamore Mills Road to reach
Sandy Flash Dr S to return to our car |
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