Thursday, May 31, 2018 (continued)
Continuing along Unter den Linden.
New Guardhouse/Neue Wache (1816-1818, by Karl Friedrich Schinkel and Salomo Sachs in Greek Revival style) has served as a war memorial since 1931 and now is called the Central Memorial of the Federal Republic of Germany for the Victims of War and Dictatorship |
New Guardhouse as the Memorial to the Victims of Fascism and Militarism had an eternal flame and the remains of an unknown soldier and an unknown concentration camp victim were interred, surrounded by soil from World War II battlefields and concentration camps (10/3/1987) |
Today the remains are under the new memorial plaque; the eternal
flame has been supplanted by an enlarged replica of a sculpture of a
mother cradling her dead son/Mutter mit Totem Sohn (1937-1938, by
Käthe Kollwitz to express her mourning for the death of
her own son in World War I; a modern-day Pietá) |
Castle Bridge/Schlossbrücke (1821-1824, by
Karl Friedrich Schinkel) suffered minimal
damage in World War II; it was renamed
Marx-Engels-Brücke from 1951-1991 |
Castle Bridge with the statue Nike Assists the Wounded Warrior
(1853, by Ludwig Wilhelm Wichmann) (10/3/1987) |
Domes of the Berlin Cathedral, the TV Tower, and the statue
Athena Protects the Young Hero (1854, by Gustav Bläser) (KSS) |
Domes of the Berlin Cathedral, the TV Tower, and the
Castle Bridge sculpture (10/3/1987) |
Castle Bridge took us to Museum Island/
Berlin Cathedral/Berliner Dom (1894-1905, by Julius and Otto Raschdorff
in neo-Renaissance style, the dome was completely razed in World War II,
rebuilt 1975-1980 that included the demolition of the intact Memorial
Chapel, likened to the Medici Chapel, but the communists would not abide
this hall built in honor of the Hohenzollern dynasty) |
Beth, Kent and Peter in front of the Altes Museum (1823-1830,
by Karl Friedrich Schinkel in neo-Classical style to house
the Prussian royal family's art collection, rebuilt 1951-1966,
by Hans Erich Bogatzky and Theodor Voissen) |
Kent in front of the Altes Museum (10/3/1987) |
The Spree River with the DDR Museum located below the tree line,
with the DomAquaree CityQuartier above it (KSS) |
Marx-Engels-Platz with the "old pensioners" |
Sculpture (1986, by Ludwig Engelhardt) of
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels who wrote
The Communist Manifesto, to which
ideology East Germany was dedicated (KSS) |
Stainless steel monoliths with photos showing
the struggles of the workers of the world (KSS) |
DomAquaree CityQuartier, a tourist and cultural center
with the Radisson Blu, DDR Museum, and SeaLife
Aquarium as well as shops and restaurants (KSS) |
The Gatekeepers/Die Torwächter (2004?, by Stephan Balkenhol,
apparently from whole tree trunks) |
Neptune Fountain/Neptunbrunnen (1891, by Reinhold Begas on a design
by Karl Friedrich Schinkel) was dismantled when the City Palace
was demolished in 1951, then restored 1965-1969 and
placed here in front of the Red City Hall/Rotes Rathaus |
Allegory of the Oder River holding animal skins
and with a goat |
Allegory of the Elbe River holding a scythe and fruits |
Neptune, god of the sea with his triton and the allegory of the
Rhine River with a fishnet and grapes |
There is also an allegory of the Vistula River with wooden blocks symbolizing forestry.
Ichthyocentaurs (head and torso of man, front hooves of horses, and
serpentine tails of fish) hold the shell upon which Neptune sits |
The TV Tower/
Fernsehenturm had an hour's wait to take the lift to the top, so we went to a place to have drinks, but it was self-serve. Ended up buying something from a convenience store in the Alexanderplatz station. Peter & Beth decided to head back to the hotel.
Since we were here at Alexanderplatz, we took a look around.
But wait! It's a Grillrunner!
A walking sausage griller, which seems
to be unique to Alexanderplatz |
He even has his own shade umbrella! |
Chalk artist in Alexanderplatz |
Galeria Kaufhof (1967-1970, as the HO-Centrum-Warenhaus
replaced a department store built in 1904 by Hermann Tietz,
destroyed in World War II), the HO-Centrum department store
was the shopping mecca for East Germans |
People's Friendship Fountain/Brunnen der Volkerfreundschaft
(1970, by Walter Womacka) |
Hotel Park Inn (1967-1970, by the team of
Roland Korn, Heinz Scharlipp and Hans Erich Bogatzky
as the Hotel Stadt Berlin, acquired by Park Inn in 2003)
is the tallest building in Berlin and the fourth tallest
structure in Berlin, and the tallest hotel-only
building in Germany |
Alexanderhaus (1930-1932, by Peter Behrens, rebuilt 1951)
was the headquarters of the Berliner Sparkasse Bank since 1930 and
was renovated 1993-1995 by Landesbank Berlin |
World Clock/Weltzeituhr (1969, by Erich John) has 24
sides to correspond to the 24 main time zones of Earth |
The World Clock turns one revolution in 24 hours, and each minute the solar system sculpture on top spins. The names of major cities are noted for each zone.
Berolinahaus (1929-1932, by Peter Behrens for restaurants and offices)
housed municipal offices and a post office 1951-1998, then was vacant
until renovation in 2005-2006 when C&A moved in, and later
the city district Mitte and post office moved back in |
The Alexanderplatz Bear |
Children play in the water cascade (1970-1972) |
St Mary's Church/Marienkirche (12C foundation,
renovations over time, Protestant in 1817, not
heavily damaged in World War II) is next to the
TV Tower/Fernsehturm (1965-1969, supposedly
as a symbol of Communist power) |
The TV Tower is the tallest structure in Berlin, and the second tallest in Europe. It's nickname is the TV-Asparagus/
Telespargel. At certain times of day the sunlight reflects off the circular area in the shape of a cross, called the Pope's Revenge/
Rache des Papstes. During the Cold War, the joke was, if the tower fell, they would have an elevator into the West.
Surprise! St Mary's Church is open!
But the tower was full of scaffolding, so this information panel
was our view of the dance of Death/Totentanz fresco (1475) |
Pulpit (1703, by Andreas Schlüter) with the
cardboard box project (KSS) |
Main altar (1762, by Andreas Kruger in Baroque style) with triptych (by
Christian Bernhard Rode) depicting Christ on the Mount of Olives,
the Deposition from the Cross, and Doubting Thomas |
Gothic baptismal font (1437) supported
by three dragons (KSS) |
Tomb of Ehrentreich and Anna von Robel
(circa 1630, in Mannerist style) |
Wooden relief of church fathers (KSS) |
Organ (1721-1722, by Joachim Wagner,
case by Johann Gottlieb Glume) |
Next: Berlin 1d.
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