Tuesday, October 15, 2019 (continued)
Interesting method to build a fence, and a granary building |
You can recognize granaries because of the hole
cut in the door to allow cats in to hunt mice
(the hole is presently boarded up) |
View across the fields to the windmill |
Every house had a banya/bathhouse with a dock leading to water;
this one was moved from the village of Mizhostrov in 1973 |
Interesting way to hold the edge of the roof,
with birch bark protection? |
Inside the banya, large stones were heated in a wood fire, then placed
in a barrel of water to create steam; after roasting, one would then
run outside and jump into the cold lake; barely seen on the table are
birch branches with leaves used to brush and whack the skin as a "massage" |
Banya view back toward the Viking Truvor ship (KSS) |
Hiking through the fields |
Церковь Воскресения Лазаря/Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus
(c 1390, from the Murom Monastery, moved in 1960) is the oldest
building on Kizhi Island and perhaps in all of Russia (KSS) |
ветряная мельница/Windmill (1928, moved from the village of Volkostrov
in 1959) is made of pine boards with birch blades; seated on a pillar, it can
be rotated in a full circle to face the direction of the prevailing winds |
Часовня Архангела Михаила/Chapel of the Archangel Michael
(late 18C, moved from village of Lelikozero in 1961) |
We stopped outside the Chapel of the Archangel Michael for a bell concert, conducted by Igor (per our guide). Then we were given an hour of free time.
Елизаров дом/Elizarov House (1880, moved from the village of Setredka) |
Banya (from the village of Ust Yandoma) with dock at the Elizarov House |
View of the дом сергеев/Sergeev House across a cove |
Traditional Karelian wooden boat (KSS) |
Sergeev House (1908-1910, moved from the village of Logmoruchei) |
Looking back across the cove, and another boat |
A dugout canoe with pontoons? (KSS) |
кузнеца/Blacksmith House (moved from the village of Suisar) |
Heading back from the southern tip of the island:
What is this?! |
Passing on the other side of the Kizhi Pogost, where the wall is made of stone |
A display showing building techniques |
A two-story granary (moved from the village of Niniselga) |
Carved wooden merry-go-round (KSS) |
Дом Яковлева/Yakovlev House (late 19c, moved from the village of
Kleshcheila) belonged to an affluent family |
Wayside cross (1763, moved from the village
of Chuinavolok) |
Tamiko hurries back to the Viking Truvor
(Thanks to JoJo for the great photo!) |
Kizhi Island was the farthest north we would travel on this cruise. It is 500 km/300 miles from the Arctic Circle.
Next: Mandrogi 1.
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