Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Burroughs-Chapin Art Museum (2/11/2025)

Tuesday, February 11, 2025 (continued)
Franklin G Burroughs-Simeon B Chapin Art Museum
housed in a vintage Myrtle Beach, SC beach cottage (1924)
that was moved to its present location in 1975, the museum
was named for the donors of the land and opened in 1997
Mary Edna Fraser: Awakening:
Hobcaw Barony; the artist takes aerial photographs,
then either paints the scene or creates a batik on silk
such as this one of a local marsh at North Inlet in SC
Rain Over Charleston (oil)
Charleston Charted
Carolyn Burroughs Tea Porch
Model of the beach cottage
View towards the Atlantic Ocean
Lone Palm (oil on linen)
Aerial Lace
Lewis Ocean Bay (home to South Carolina's only stable
population of Venus Flytraps)
Paul Yanko: Primary Structures:
Built Stacked Framed (Garden Version) (2019)
Band Wing Match (2020)
Densely Grouped Aligned Dissolved (2023)
Build 1 (2024)
Build 1 detail of an assemblage on panel
Extended Expanded Demarcated (2023)

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