Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Greenville County Museum of Art (2/19/2025)

Wednesday, February 19, 2025 (continued)
The Greenville County Museum of Art is our third museum visited in Greenville, SC.
Art and Artists of South Carolina, Three Mighty Gamecocks - Straight Outta Sumter:
Red-shouldered Hawks and Copperhead Snake
(1974, by Grainger McKoy)
Territorial Dispute (1972, by Grainger McKoy);
looks like a Snowy Egret vs a Reddish Egret
End of Market (c 1950, by Corrie McCallum)
Untitled (undated, by Corrie McCallum)
Flags I (1973, by Jasper Johns)
Painting with Two Balls (1971, by Jasper Johns)
Watermedia in the Age of Wyeth (Andrew Wyeth is credited with revitalizing the medium of watercolors, and this museum has the world's largest public collection of Andrew Wyeth watercolors):
Ravine in Summer Rain (1917,
by Charles E Burchfield)
General Lee House, Richmond (1925, by Childe Hassam)
Tending the Net (1936, by Andrew Wyeth)
Summer Evening Along the Brandywine
(1954, by Andrew Wyeth)
Bonfire (1992, by Andrew Wyeth)
After Halloween (1983, by Jamie wyeth)
Baptistry of St John's (1929, by Edward Hopper)
Miracle (1945, by Hans Hofmann)
Open atrium:
Looking down three levels
Wyeth Family (four generations):
Rain (1940, by N C Wyeth, patriarch)
McVey's Barn (undated, by Henriette Wyeth, daughter)
Last Light (1988, by Andrew Wyeth, son)
Anthony Adverse (1934, by N C Wyeth)
Untitled (c 1940, by Carolyn Wyeth, daughter)
Old Albert (c 1928, by N C Wyeth)
African-American Art:
Martin Luther King, Jr (2002, by John Wilson)
The North Star (from Harriet and the Promised
, 1967, by Jacob Lawrence)
Green River (2013-2014, by Brian Rutenberg)
Salome (1973, by Romare Bearden)
Cry for Mother Africa (1990,. by Bessie Harvey)
On a John Brown Flight (c 1945, by William Henry Johnson)
Calendar (1955, by Thomas Sills)
Whirligig (undated, by Vollis Simpson)
Tar Baby (1992, by Juan Logan)
Washington Square (1952, by Beauford Delaney)
Old Charleston City Market (1943, by Joseph Delaney,
brother of Beauford Delaney)

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