Friday, August 30, 2024

Blithewold Mansion & Gardens (8/30/2024)

Friday, August 30, 2024
Visited Blithewold Gardens for the special exhibits.
Becorns (by David M Bird, a RI photographer and toy
designer) are placed in nature and caught on film with wildlife
Midnight Snack
The Greeter/Eastern Bluebird (2024, by
Myth Makers Donna Dodson and Andy Moerlein)
Blithewold Mansion (1895, rebuilt 1906 after a fire)
Bessie's Peahen/Peacock (2024, by Myth Makers
Donna Dodson and Andy Moerlein) with Adaline,
Katrina, Levon's legs, Kent & Kyle
Adaline's Castle is a Fagus sylvatica
'Pendula'/Weeping European Beech
Dahlia 'Happy Single Wink' with a bumblebee
Dahlia 'Island Sunset'
Nelumbo nucifera/Lotus with a bee (KSS)
Nymphaea nouchali/Blue Water Lily
Surprise!/American Bittern (2024, by Myth
Makers Donna Dodson and Andy Moerlein)
Fencepost Dragon (2024, by Ellen Blomgren)
Fencepost Peacock (2024, by Ellen Blomgren)
Adaline points out Fox with Butterflies #2
(2024, by Ellen Blomgren)
Water Garden with stone bridge
The Queenfisher/Belted Kingfisher
(2024, by Myth Makers Donna Dodson
and Andy Moerlein)
Adaline with Girl with Birds
(2024, by Ellen Blomgren)
Oops, Girl with Bird x 2
Sandhill Crane (2024, by Myth Makers
Donna Dodson and Andy Moerlein)
The Giant Owl (2024, by Myth Makers
Donna Dodson and Andy Moerlein)
Adaline and her mom ran across the 10-acre Great Lawn!

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