Thursday, August 29, 2024

Susan B Anthony Birthplace (8/29/2024)

Thursday, August 29, 2024
A stop at the Susan B Anthony Birthplace in North Adams, MA.
Susan B Anthony Birthplace, where the suffragist was
born in 1820 and lived in the house until the age of seven;
she was raised as a Quaker
Birthing room with a copy of
a quilt made by Anthony
Anthony's parents, Daniel and Lucy,
at first had a cotton mill and boarded
the female factory hands, and also had a
store to supply the needs of the workers
A replica of the black dress that
became the "uniform" worn by Anthony
to represent dignity and leadership
Hand in Hand is one of four castings (1895, by
 Mel Culbertson) of a handshake between 
Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Black Suffragette caricature was used as
propaganda to keep African-American women's
right to vote separate from white women
Typical suffragist outfit; women's-right-
to-vote was only one of many causes
championed by Susan B Anthony, from
anti-slavery, temperance, women's rights
(equal pay and property ownership),
and dress reform (i.e., bloomers)
Hydrangea paniculata 'Renhy'/Vanilla Strawberry
These were in full bloom across
New York and Massachusetts

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