Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Arrived in Budapest, Hungary this morning.
During breakfast we watched a group of paddleboarders paddle against the current of the Danube River |
Up on Gellert Hill is Szabadság szobor/Liberty Statue (1947, by Zsigmond Kisfaludi Stróbl to commemorate the Soviet liberation of Hungary in World War II) now bears a new inscription: to the memory of all those who sacrificed their lives for the independence, freedom, and prosperity of Hungary |
We had to put our luggage outside the door, and vacate the stateroom, since we would be going eventually to a hotel. The next Viking cruise group would be arriving today, so there was a quick turn-around, including a hyper-sanitizing due to the pandemic.
We boarded our motorcoach for the rescheduled included shore excursion to Kalocsa & Puszta, which was now a 120-km/74.5-mile trip instead of just a 15.5-km/9.6-mile jaunt.
Budapest's new Ludwig Múzeum/Ludwig Museum (est 1976) is located in Müpa Budapest (2002-2005, by Zoboki, Demeter és Társaik Építésziroda); the Ludwig Museum features contemporary art |
Arriving at Bakodpuszta Equestrian Center in Dunapataj, Hungary, we were escorted by a whip-cracking csikós/Hungarian cowboy (KSS) |
Bakodpuszta is a breeding farm out on the puszta/prairie or steppe to maintain the Magyar cultural heritage. |
We are serenaded by a man playing a Tárogató, a woodwind instrument that looks like a clarinet (KSS) |
Three csikós/Hungarian cowboys in their extremely baggy pants, shirts with ballooning sleeves, and a black vest |
We were served a "break-fast" of Zsíros Kenyér/ Fatty Bread, spread with rendered lard (traditionally from pork fatback) and sprinkled with paprika, plus a beverage of white or red wine, or apple juice |
You could also add onion rings to the "open-faced sandwich."
Our hosts included Csaba Fekete, and I bet that is his wife ... |
The performance began by showing off the Magyar Szürke/ Bos taurus var/Hungarian Grey or Steppe Cattle |
Originally raised as beasts of burden and for beef, the Hungarian cattle are now kept mainly in national parks |
The tips of the horns are capped with golden balls, supposedly to prevent accidental goring (really?!) |
Now the real show begins, with four csikós on specifically bred kisbéri félvér/half-bred horses of which the Gidrán line was initially used for military purposes; but wait! Csaba Fekete is on a donkey! |
These horses were taught to lie down so that they could hide in tall grass during battle |
This csikós is still training his horse to lie down, by physically wrestling him to the ground! |
The horse was expected to play dead, despite all the noise of battle (and whip cracking) |
Video of "playing dead with whip cracking":
Finally, the Ten-in-hand, with one csikós controlling ten horses; the pair of horses upon which he stands may have Lipizzaner blood |
Video of the Ten-in-hand:
Video of the Ten-in-hand running fast:
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