Friday, June 28, 2024

2024 African Safari Plus: Basecamp Wilderness Game Drives A (6/27-28/2024)

Thursday, June 27, 2024
The game drive on the way to camp: Connochaetes taurinus/
Blue Wildebeest; we used to call them gnus (KSS)
A mixed herd of Eudorcas thomsonii/Thomson's Gazelles
(with diagonal black side stripe) and the
larger Nanger granti/Grant's Gazelles
Greater variety of trees
Aepyceros melampus/Impalas
Alcelaphus buselaphus/Hartebeest (KSS)
A dazzle of Equus quagga/Plains Zebras and wildebeests,
who are often seen together as they do not compete for food
(zebras eat taller grasses) and zebras have better eyesight
while wildebeests have better hearing and smell (KSS)
Balanites aegyptiaca/Desert Date Tree
Lunch always had a bread and soup; this is cucumber soup
Roasted chicken with rice and veggies
Dessert of custard (I think every dessert
was drizzled with chocolate syrup)
Damaliscus lunatus jimela/Topi
with blue upper legs and yellow lower
legs, so that it is said he is wearing
blue jeans with yellow socks
A shift in tectonic plates created the Great Rift Valley,
and we see the eastern escarpment
Sylvicapra grimmia/Bush Duiker
Water crossing
Unlike Botswana, they have had too much rain
in Kenya and Tanzania
Another species: Giraffa tippelskirchi/Maasai Giraffe
Crocuta crocuta/Spotted Hyena: is he cute or is he
ugly? (one safari mate could not understand why the
hyena is one of the Ugly Five, until she saw him walk)
A confusion of Numida meleagris/Helmeted Guineafowl;
these birds are always running away, forgetting they can fly
We would also see glossy ibis, fork-tailed drongos, red-billed firefinch, red-billed oxpeckers, and a white-browed robin chat.
Lupulella mesomelas/Black-backed Jackal (KSS)
This male Panthera leo/Lion was in a deep sleep
Another water crossing
Found a pride of lions (KSS)
Tamiko shooting a lion (KSS)
The shot female lion
We would also see Cape buffalos.
On the night safari we saw a scrub hare, and a bat flew into the dining tent.

Friday, June 28, 2024
After the hot air balloon ride, we had lunch with a
differently-shaped bread and carrot-zucchini soup
The staff was so excited to offer us pork sausage pizza!
Handmade vanilla and chocolate ice cream
The afternoon game drive:
Hippopotamus amphibius/Hippopotami (KSS)
Mother and child hippos
A pod of hippos (KSS)
The savanna/a mixed woodland-grassland
ecosystem and biome (KSS)
Plants are greener along the waterway;
another water crossing (KSS)
Acinonyx jubatus/Cheetah
Pride of lions (KSS)
We would also see elephants, vervet monkeys, jackals, slender mongooses, hyenas, zebras, impalas, wildebeest, steenboks, and giraffes.
We would also see Egyptian geese, guineafowl, cattle egrets, white-crowned lapwings, a secretary bird, scarlet-chested sunbird, scaly-feathered weaver, superb starling, Marico flycatcher and the white-browed robin chat.
Next: Hot Air Balloon Ride.

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