Sunday, June 23, 2024

2024 African Safari Plus: Delta Game Drives (6/20-23/2024)

Thursday, June 20, 2024
After High Tea, we departed on the afternoon game drive at 16:00.
Haliaeetus vocifer/African Fish Eagle
"Wrinkled" round footprints of elephants
Not being in a national park, but in a private concession, we were able to go off-road to follow four cheetahs.
Cheetahs marking a tree, spraying from
a gland beneath their tails
The cheetahs crossed in front of our vehicle
We would also see African savanna elephants, impalas, tsessebes, steenboks, Cape buffalo, greater kudus, giraffes, warthogs, and hippos.
A drop-down table on the front of the vehicle holds
the Sundowner drinks and snacks
Time for the night drive, with a spotlight
searching for eye shine, to see Bubo lacteus/
Verreaux's Eagle-Owl
We would also see a Southern Lesser Galago/Bushbaby and an African civet.

Friday, June 21, 2024
At 5:45 wake-up call, we saw this
huge orange moon setting in the west
We had this "bushbaby" (hot water bottle in
a fleece wrap) in our beds at night, and on
the morning game drives, along with Maasai
shuka/cloth to be used like a blanket
The morming game drives began after breakfast,
at 6:45, in time to see the sun rise (KSS)
Water channels are spread across the delta
Fording across a water channel
A pod of Hippopotamus amphibius/Hippos (KSS)
A pair of Equus quagga/Plains Zebras
Mother and child Loxodonta africana/
African Bush Elephants (KSS)
Woo-hoo, a Panthera pardus/Leopard!
A termite mound with an anteater den below
We followed the leopard, hoping she was on a hunt
Time for a coffee break: Tamiko & Kent with
guide Mark and tracker Boxer
Coffee break set-up
Tamiko next to a Macrotermes sp/Fungus-growing
Termite Mound that can be up to 10 m/33' in height (KSS)
Hyphaene petersiana/Northern Lala or Real Fan Palm Trees
We found the brotherhood of four cheetahs again (KSS)
Coracias caudatus/Lilac-breasted Roller (KSS)
Back at Camp Kalahari, Paraxerus cepapi/Smith's Bush
Squirrels were scampering everywhere
Nests of the Plocepasser mahali/
White-browed Sparrow Weaver
A pair of Otocyon megalotis/Bat-eared Foxes
A cackle of Crocuta crocuta/Spotted Hyenas with their cubs
have taken over an anteater den under a termite mound
This hyena walked a circle around our safari vehicle
as we watched his family
A male Struthio camelus/Ostrich
We would also see guineafowl, red-billed spurfowl, red-eyed doves and Cape turtle doves, grey herons, great white egrets, white-crowned lapwings, African wattled lapwings, white-backked vulture, African howk-eagle, Gabar groshawk, Bradfield's hornbills, grey hornbills, fork-tailed drongos, red-billed buffalo weavers, red-billed oxpeckers, Burchell's and Cape starlings, and a white-browed robin chat.
Wow, the cheetah brothers feast on an impala!
We would also see elephants, baboons, yellow mongooses, impalas, wildebeest, tsessebes, steenboks, Cape buffalo, elands, kudus, giraffes, and warthogs.
During the night safari, we saw a honey badger and a Cape porcupine.

Saturday, June 22, 2024
On the morning game drive, the cheetah brothers
were all cleaned up, and had full bellies
Oh, boy, now the cheetahs are pooping!
Merops hirundineus/Swallow-tailed Bee-eaters
We would also see guineafowl, red-billed spurfowl, red-eyed doves and Cape turtle doves, double-banded sandgrouse, coppery-tailed coucal, moorhen, grey herons, sacred and glossy ibis, white-crowned lapwings, African jacana, white-backed vulture, Bradfield's hornbills, grey hornbills, lilac-breasted roller, woodland kingfisher, crimson-breasted shrike, fork-tailed drongos, magpie shrikes, red-billed buffalo weavers, yellow-bellied greenbul, red-billed oxpeckers, Burchell's starlings, Marico flycatchers, and a white-browed robin chat.
Another pair of Equus quagga/Plains Zebras;
each zebra has a unique pattern of stripes
Time for a ride in a mokoro/the traditional boat hollowed out
from sausage tree wood, but these would be made of fiberglass
Two persons per wobbly craft; we were poled by Boxer;
the Gomoti River was full of invasive plants (KSS)
Our guide Mark was the leader of the expedition
(at the far right) and he carried a rifle in case he needed
to scare off menacing crocodiles and hippos
Boxer waves goodbye after we managed
to get out of the mokoro ourselves
Because of his short neck, the Phacochoerus africanus/
Warthog must kneel to reach the tasty roots of plants
Our goal for the afternoon game drive was
to find the Lycaon pictus/African Wild Dog
Video of African Wild Dog
A whole pack of wild dogs rest up before the hunt
A journey of Giraffa giraffa/Southern Giraffes
We would also see elephants, Smith's bush squirrels, impalas, wildebeest, tsessebes, steenboks, red lechwe, Cape buffalo, kudus, and crocodiles.
Kigelia africana/Sausage Trees from which
mokoros/traditional boats were once made
Our Sundowner spot for today
Kent has his Sundowner Windhoek beer
Snacks of boerwors/sausage, cookies, and dried chickpeas

Sunday, June 23, 2024
Our final Rra Dinare morning game drive,
on the way to the airstrip
A male Panthera leo/Lion stalks between the safari vehicles
Anoki shoots the lion
We were fortunate to share the game drives with a delightful young couple from New York.
Lion tracks along the road
So many Aepyceros melampus/Impalas
We would also see elephants, squirrels, jackals, zebras, wildebeest, steenboks, Cape buffalo, kudus, giraffes, warthogs, and hippos.
Micronisus gabar/Gabar Goshawk
We would also see guineafowl, red-eyed doves and Cape turtle doves, Marabou stork, yellow-billed stork, Goliath herons, African darter, brown snake eagle, white-headed vulture, Bradfield's hornbills, lilac-breasted roller, crimson-breasted shrike, fork-tailed drongos, magpie shrike, red-headed weavers, red-billed oxpeckers, Burchell's starlings, and Marico flycatchers.
Next: Flight to Camp Kalahari.

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