Monday, June 17, 2024

2024 African Safari Plus: Victoria Falls Town (6/17/2024)

Monday, June 17, 2024 (continued)
We walked into town for lunch.
The road entrance to Victoria Falls Hotel
Victoria Falls Train Station
How slow is "dead slow"?
Former Kingdom Hotel (1999, now abandoned) has architecture
inspired by the Great Zimbabwe Ruins of the lost Shona people
Great Zimbabwe inspired tower (KSS)
Victoria Falls Post Office
Plenty of metal lawn art options
The River Brewing Company where we had a fish 'n' chips lunch
Monty Golden Ale
This must be Monty
Inside the brewery
We somehow went in the back door of
Elephant's Walk Shopping & Artist Village
Our goal was the Jafuta Heritage Center Museum with its
collection of artifacts of the local indigenous peoples
 including Shona, Ndebele, Tonga, and Lozi
Ndebele knobkerries/clubs
Tonga skirt made with root fibres
Detail of the knotted root fibres
Tonga funeral drums (KSS)
Lozi drums, one with a zebra skin top
Shona mbira/thumb piano
Hwamanda/trumpet made from a kudu horn
Garden courtyard of the Elephant's Walk
Shopping & Artist Village
Fruits and vegetables
We exited through the main entrance
Our closest rhino sighting (KSS)
Kent with a very large rhino ...
... that was made with crushed cans
This tree had knobs on it
Acacia Nigrescens/Knob Thorn Tree
Next: Victoria Falls Zambia Side.

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